Secondary Logo Policy
It is the policy of the University of Nebraska system to invest in a single visual identity, rather than maintain multiple marks that may interfere with the University's message. To strengthen the University's visual identity, a central aspect of our brand, the creation of additional marks is restricted.
As a result, any new secondary mark must be submitted through an approval process prior to development and use. If your organization or department is currently using a secondary logo, you may be contacted by the Office of University Affairs to provide proof of approval by the University-wide Identity Committee. If previous approval cannot be provided, the logo must be submitted through the approval process.
Approval Process:
- Entities seeking a new or revised secondary logo must first submit a Written Request for Consideration to the University-wide Identity Committee (which has brand representatives from all four campuses). This step should be completed prior to any creative work being undertaken. See the written request.
- To qualify for a secondary logo, an entity must meet one of these tests:
- Contractual or legal agreements that specify or require the use of a logo other than the University of Nebraska or campus logo. If legal or contractual agreements are a factor, the relevant portion of these must be included.
- Gift agreements in which a donor has required certain identification as a condition of the gift (note that it is strongly discouraged to permit this level of donor involvement)
–or– - Revenue-generating enterprises that have developed or may develop significant equity in their logo as a marketing tool to external audiences or whose existence depends on external public support (i.e. funds, external board of directors or advisors). The applicant must demonstrate a commitment to investing in the development of the organization's brand as a marketing tool –& not just a logo. This request must include a cost analysis of implementing the new logo and a presentation of how the logo will be used in anticipated executions (web pages, printed materials, etc.)
NOTE: Academic colleges, departments and programs are not eligible for secondary logos. Approved configurations of college, department and program names with the official campus logo are included in the identity handbook.
- The Committee will determine whether the entity qualifies for a secondary logo. A simple majority vote is required. In the event the request is turned down, the entity may appeal to their chancellor (for a campus organization) or to the president (for a university-wide organization). The committee will provide rationale regarding the denial. In the event that a chancellor overturns the decision of the Identity Committee, final review will rest with the president.
- To qualify for a secondary logo, an entity must meet one of these tests:
- If the entity receives approval to develop a secondary logo, either from the committee or through the appeals process, the next step is to work with the campus communications office to develop the logo, either using internal resources or an outside graphic designer/consultant.
- The Identity Committee will review the presentation of the developed logo, which must include the following elements:
- An endorsement from the campus communications officer and campus Chancellor
- Demonstration of how the logo will appear in a range of executions including color and black and white; print materials; web sites; any proposed stand-alone uses i.e. banners, specialty items;
- Demonstration of conformance with secondary logo standards (i.e. size relationship to official university logo, presence of university logo on all materials);
- Any additional executions, sub-brands or other extensions anticipated.
- Any available market research regarding the target audience
- You may be required to give an in-person presentation.
- Examples of past presentation can be provided upon request.
- The Identity Committee may, with a simple majority vote, approve the logo as submitted or request revisions or additional information.
- Final approval is made by the University of Nebraska President
- Legal questions about the registration, protection, or infringement related to a logo or trademark should be referred to the Office of the General Counsel in
Central Administration.
- The Identity Committee will review the presentation of the developed logo, which must include the following elements:
Guidelines For Use Of Approved Secondary Logos
- Secondary logos must be used in conjunction with the University of Nebraska wordmark. When used in a publication, the University logo must appear on either the front or back outside cover.
- Approved secondary logos can be used on official University of Nebraska system letterhead or all other business correspondence designed in an approved University format.
- Approved secondary logos may be used in publications, promotional materials, websites, videos, DVDs, advertising, informal correspondence, and collateral merchandise.
Event/Short-Term Use Secondary Logos
Secondary logos may be created for use with events or programs having a fixed start and end date such as centennials, dedications, and seminars.
- All event/short-term use secondary logos must be approved by the system-wide Identity Committee. Submit secondary logo request for approval as detailed above.
- Event/short-term use logos are not permitted on business correspondence.
- Once approved, these logos may be used in publications, promotional materials, websites, videos, DVDs, advertising, informal correspondence, and collateral merchandise.
- Event/short-term use logos may not be used longer than one year except in the case of centennial celebrations where they may be used up to one year before and one year after the centennial date.
Note Affiliates that have an approved secondary logo are bound by the guidelines within the Brand Guide. A clear identification as a part of the University of Nebraska is required. |
Approved Secondary Logos
The following secondary logos have been approved by the University and are to be appropriated only with the endorsement of those entities which maintain guidelines for their use. In some cases, there may be alternate files available, i.e. four color, two color, b/w, etc.
When pairing these approved logos with the University marks, make sure to utilize the University Logo. If you would like to pair it with the Nebraska N, the campus icon usage guidelines dictate that it must also display the University Logo in the same document. Refer to those guidelines in the Our Marks section.
For specific questions regarding these approved logos, please see the respective contacts below.

NPM Nebraska’s PBS & NPR Stations
1800 North 33rd Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
NUTech Ventures
Casey Lundberg
Nebraska Innovation Campus 2220

University of Nebraska State Museum
Caroline Clements
Morrill Hall (MORR) 304