Our brand is our promise to our audiences, and we express our brand most succinctly through our tagline, In Our Grit, Our Glory. Our tagline and the Nebraska N, the primary visual identifier of the university, are our most public-facing brand elements, but they are not the brand itself.
Grit is determination and resilience — having a passion for progress that’s bigger than any obstacles in the way.
Glory is achievement, and it can be achievement at any level big or small that’s important to progressing toward your full potential.

Brand Position
Our Brand Position expresses our promise more fully than the tagline and serves as our communication North Star, guiding all university messaging.
Below, each section of the Brand Position is isolated with further context.
We are Nebraska.
We believe in the power of every person. We don’t rest on our strengths—we stretch them. Sweat them. Combine them. Growing flexible, nimble and strong minds. That’s how we do big things.

Our university is the DNA of our state. While we are one of America’s leading research universities, and our impact has the power to transform lives around the world, we exist to create opportunity for the people of the state of Nebraska.
The Power of Every Person
Since our charter was written in 1869, our university has championed access to higher education and the opportunities it creates. We offer access to a world-class Big Ten education at a cost that makes us a best value in higher education. And we work to unleash the potential of every Husker through one-to-one relationships – every person and interaction matters.

We stretch them. Sweat them. Combine them. Growing flexible, nimble and strong minds. Every person has strengths, and those strengths need to be honed in order to improve. At Nebraska, we show grit and determination - we earn it every day - and we seek new ideas and opportunities to broaden our ways of thinking and ways of approaching the challenges in front of us.
We are here to make the most of our opportunities. We’re here to achieve goals and realize dreams. We’re here to create, innovate and conduct research that makes life better and changes the world. We’re here to do big things. It takes hard work and collaboration, and we’ve signed up for all of it.