Showing prospective students that UNL is the place where they can pursue their passions — whatever they may be.

The Challenge
UNL Admissions discovered that prospective students typically consume content at the college level, skipping over their website and going straight to the specific undergraduate major page. To address this, our departments joined together to design and build top level prospective student webpage templates for all undergraduate colleges.
The Solution
After careful research and data collection, our team produced a strategic implementation plan for this wide-scale project. Strategic content was created to meet different student mindsets — allowing prospective Huskers to get a better idea of their life at UNL depending on their goals. Five different templates were developed, including a new overall major page.
Colleges were trained to fill out webpage templates with their content and encouraged to push live in 2022. The intended outcome is that all prospective students will consume in-depth content on all majors and colleges across the university, allowing them to feel more connected to our institution and inspired to learn more about life at UNL.